Object and Type
Object : FCApplication
Type : Method
Public Function CreateSession(Optional ByVal SessionID As String) As FCSession
This method creates a new FCSession object, or returns a reference to an existing FCSession object.
If this method is called without any input parameters, a new FCSession object will be created and returned.
If this method is called with a SessionID, the FCApplication will attempt to return a reference to an existing FCSession object with the given SessionID. If a FCSession with this SessionID does not exist, an error is thrown.
Parameter Name Required? Description
SessionID No An optional parameter for re-establishing an existing
FCSession object.
A new FCSession object, or a reference to an existing FCSession Object
Error Codes
Value Meaning
10020 Invalid SessionID
The following example attempts to retrieve a SessionID from the ASP Session, and , if found, re-establish the existing FCSession.
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
var FCSession;
var strSessionId = "";
strSessionId = Session.Contents("FCSessionId");
if ( typeof(strSessionId) != "string" )
{ strSessionId = ""; }
if ( strSessionId == "" )
{ Response.Redirect("Logon3.asp"); }
FCSession = Application.Contents("FCApp").CreateSession(strSessionId)
catch ( e )
//Could not re-establish session. Re-direct to logon page
The following example simply creates a new FCApplication object and a new FCSession object.
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Dim fc_app As New FCApplication
Dim fc_session As FCSession
fc_app.WorkingDirectory = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\testing"
Set fc_session = fc_app.CreateSession
fc_session.Login UserName, Password